Soil Surveys

Soil Surveys

A soil survey will provide information and a map displaying inherent types of soil in any locale. Information includes primarily behavioral and performance characteristics of the soil along with descriptions, lay of the land & type of environment the soil type is found in.  If we can forecast how the soil will behave, we can determine how the soil will perform under any number of various agricultural and non-agricultural uses.  

Soil survey reports assist landowners in determining how to make the best use of the land. If you are contemplating what type of crops to grow, what types of buildings to construct, the installation of reservoirs, roads, embankments, etc., a soil survey may be a starting point in gaining information on how to proceed.

Surface soil characteristics may change over time due to alterations made by people occupying the land via cultivation practices, earth moving, landscaping, soil amendments, etc. Soil surveys along with soil testing can provide a comparison of the original inherent soil characteristics and current soil characteristics in the area. 

There may be several types of soils occupying just a small plot of land. Having on file a soil inventory and map along with having a vast amount of information regarding each type of soil in the inventory gives you the benefit of knowing and not guessing in determining the highest and best use of your land.

Island Soil Testing Service
PO Box 240752
Honolulu, Hawaii 96824-0752
Tel: 808-291-9479
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